First Time At Six Flags

One scary place I went to was called Six Flags. It might not be scary to you, but when I went there the roller coaster ride was very scary for me. It was scary for me because it was my FIRST TIME ON A ROLLER COASTER! plus I  was about 5 or 6.  The first time I went to Six Flags it was with my two cousins (Kemoy and Davon), Kemoy's friend from work, his brother, and me. We went on a roller coaster and it was like is some type of cave that we have to go in. To me it was scary because it was my first time on a roller coaster. At first I thought it was going to be easy and I would get off in no time but as soon as I got on and it started I was freaked out. My cousin was laughing at me but when I told her it was my first time she understood because she went through that to. After we got off the ride I was thrilled. It was actually fun to go on a roller coaster. Ever since that I wanted to go on more but not feel that same feeling of fear,the feeling of fun.-Deedee p.s. Please don't judge me I was young :).